Brotplot 2.0

Background and Instructions

Brotplot 2.0 is a port of a similar program that I wrote in 2002 using C++. It is a simple Mandelbrot plotter. This version of the program uses HTML5 and jQuery UI and offers numerous enhancements.

Left click: center on the clicked point.
Right click: zoom in on the clicked point.
Shift+Right click: zoom out on the clicked point.

The Mandelbrot set is a complex set that has a fractal boundary. The images of this fractal are famous for their beautiful complexity and—literally—infinite detail. A defining characteristic of fractals is their self-similarity across scale. While the same patterns may appear over and over, they are never identical. Most impressive of all is that the image is created using the simplest of functions:

ℂ : Z → Z2 + C

Read about the development of this project on CodeProject.

I'm releasing this under the GNU Public License (GPL). Feel free to do with this whatever you'd like. If you use the code or images generated by the program, please send me an email. I'd love to know how my work is being used by others.

Plot controls

Check the box next to Cursor to see the cursor's position. Enter new coordinates and press ENTER to center the plot on those coordinates. Set the zoom factor by entering the desired number in the box (this will also affect zooming with the mouse). Zoom in or out by the specified factor using the +/- buttons. Save the current plot in your list by clicking Save. Load or delete a plot by clicking a saved plot in the list and then clicking Load or Delete.

Render controls

Dynamic range causes the display to not update until the first pixel is flagged out of set. Apply Hanning to smooth active regions using a Hanning function. Color cycling will repeat the color scheme from the beginning once it reaches its end. Color oscillation will repeat the color scheme in reverse order once it reaches its end.
Dynamic range
Apply Hanning
Cycle colors
Oscillate colors

Image gallery

Click "Save image" to save the current image in your gallery. Click an image from the gallery to display it.
Saved plots